Courses taught & ready to teach...
Courses & Grade Levels - Prepared to Teach:
Ministry Academy
Ministry Life and Leadership
Preaching and Worship
Administration & Organizational Leadership
Pastoral Servant Leadership
Transitions In Ministry
Evangelism and Discipleship
Technology for Ministry
Worship Leadership
World Religions
Growing Healthy Churches
Bible Institute:
Biblical Interpretation
Preaching and Worship
Worship Leadership
Outreach & Evangelism
Church History
Social Sciences
Government & Economics
US History
World History
Spanish I
Spanish II
Bible/Religious Studies
Spiritual & Emotional Care:
Facilitating Share & Care Groups
Spirituality, Faith, Grief & Hope
Compassion Fatigue - Managing Self Care As A Caregiver
Healthy Outlets for High Emotions
Worship Academy
Leading Worship 101: Leading and Building a Team
Leading Worship 201: Not Just Music: Serving and Shepherding People
Leading Worship 301: Worship Transitions and Planning for the Unplanned
Leading Worship 401: Establishing Worship Vision and Direction
Leading Worship 501: Blending Styles and Bridging Generations
Leading Worship 601: Cohesive Worship Planning - Connecting Worship & Preaching
Teamwork 101: Preparation Matters
Teamwork 201: Cooperation Matters
Teamwork 301: Participation Matters
Acoustic Guitar for Modern Worship - Dynamics Matter
Acoustic Guitar for Smaller Settings - Leading Intimately
Electric Guitar for Modern Worship Bands - Tone Matters
Bass Guitar for Modern Worship - Groove Matters
Keyboards for Modern Worship Bands - Building Tones & Creating Atmosphere
Drums for Modern Worship - Beats Matter
Vocals for Modern Worship Bands - Building Strength, Tone, Tune and Timing
Live Sound Engineering for Modern Worship - Crafting A Sound That Invites People To Sing
Projected Media: Visual Worship Best Practices
Modern Tools for Worship: An Introduction to Pads, Click Tracks, Multitracks, Tablets, & Chart Apps
Integrating In Ear Monitors - How to introduce your team to IEMs
Integrating Click track (with or without IEMs) - A Practical Step By Step Process
Audio Design I - Live Sound for Beginners
Audio Design II - Live Sound Advanced Concepts
Guitar I – Beginning Proficiencies
Guitar II – Building Advanced Techniques
Bass I – Beginning Proficiencies
Bass II – Building Advanced Techniques